Monday, December 8, 2008

who the fuck makes a printer that has two black ink cartridges, but it doesn't work when only ONE of them has run out?? grrrrr.

1 down, 3 finals to go.
I didn't get much studying done this weekend bc I was sick as a dog :(

... who came up with that phrase? it doesn't make sense at all!

w/e I feel a lot better now, but I am wayyy behind on getting shit done. I'll be up late again tonight

also, I can't buy new ink things because I haven't activated my credit card yet. I can't do that right now because I don't have the account number, and I can't get the account number until one of my parents gets home from work today. Sooooo, I will have to be sans genetics worksheets for the time being... I'll get by, no fears

Saturday night Allie was completely trashed... as usual. When I saw her, she was passed out naked on the bathroom floor, with her feet up on the tub. I had zero energy (like I said- super sick; I hardly made it up the stairs), plus she was still breathing, so I just left her there. When I checked on her half an hour later, she was passed out in the bath tub with the water running... very close to overflowing. I did NOT leave her there that time, I made her get out and go to bed.
She always does stupid shit like that, and I'm afraid that my roommate is going to die very young. There's no happy medium with her... it's either sober, or absolutely shitfaced. She needs to learn that you can be drunk without being blacked out retarded, but she's so irrational that you can't talk to her about anything! I've tried nicely talking to her and saying that I'll help her try to figure out whn it's a good idea to stop drinking and how to tell you've had enough, and she'll get really offended and turn it around and be a bitch.
She's really easily offended, and it's really annoying. Probably the most irrational and emotional person I've ever met. I mean, she's a coolass chick most of the time. 85% of the time she's awesome and I love her to death, but the other 15% she drives me up the wallllllll. If she says something and I don't say anything back because I'm either thinking of something to say that won't start shit or I just have nothing to say, she'll be like "oh, no response?" and take it as a bad thing.
ummm YEAH. It's either that or I tell you what I'm really thinking and then you'll realllyyyyy be upset. I don't like to lie about things [... ehh... I lie all the damn time about trivial things (e.g. yeah these peace sign earrings are totally vintage. my mom was a huge hippie). I think it's funny to convince people of stupid shit like that. I had a friend who thought I was half Cuban for over 2 years], but real things... I'm very very honest. So sometimes everyone benefits if I just keep my mouth shut.
So, sorry Allie if I don't think you're REALLY going to stay sober until your 21st birthday. That lasted less than a week. Oh, and sorry if I definitely don't believe that you aren't going to have sex again until you're married. That lasted- no literally- THREE days. She gets annoyed when she tries to make these plans for her life and nobody believes her. I'll believe it when I see it.

hrmmm I've been complaining a lot lately... It's been a tough couple weeks. I expect a bunch of funny stories to be happening soon, though; winter break starts in T-minues TWO DAYSSSSSS

Friday, December 5, 2008

I want this cough to go away :(

My throat really hurts.... because I can't stop coughing. And my head kind of hurts too, for the same reason. This blows. I feel fine otherwise! But I've been freaking coughing nonstop for over a week now; I'm dyinggggggggg.

I was 25 minutes late for my first class today... oh well. I don't really care, I kind of didn't need to come today anyway. I swear, sometimes the only reason I even make it to class is because my cat acts like a second alarm clock. But, like, a really irritating alarm that I can't press snooze.

I'm wearing my skinnies with my pink/orange plaid Chuck T's.... pretty fly! Rocker-chic :)

Things written in the bathroom stall in Math & Physics building:
"Toy Story 2 was OK."
"Accio TP! =p"
.... lol at the fact that I realize that the last one is a Harry Potter reference.
Speakingggggg of HP, I am SO pissed that they moved the date for the 6th movie back all the way to JULY! What the hell! Stupid Twilight. Well, I still wanna see Twilight too, but I'm annoyed that it got precedence over Harry Potter. RUDE!

Ew. Finals coming up realllll fast.
Monday: calculus
Tuesday: genetics and organic chem
Wednesday: ecology

organic is a lost cause, and im starting to get really nervous for the other tests. I need an A in calc to get a B in the class, and I believe it's the same for genetics. Actually, I'm pretty sure I need an A in ecology too.... greeeeeeaaaattttt!

I think that I will go to happy hour today :)
I haven't been in probably a month and a half, because I work at 5 every Friday, but today I work at 6. Happy hour: 4-7. Which gives me at least an hour of $3 all-you-can-drink beer... gotta love those Library specials!

Lauren fixed her posture-chair... lololll

I can't wait to not have a class in the MAP building. Not that I really have anything against that building, but my class is on the first floor, which you have to go downstairs for.
Last year I was walking down those stairs with Ash and I wasn't looking and I completely missed the last step and face-planted on the brick floor. REALLY fucking funny.... imagine if someone was walking behind me and just pushed me in the back down the last couple steps and I just go down like a tree falling. That, uh, that's about how it looked. hahahahha super funnyyy
only one other person saw it, and he was trying not to laugh. I told him to go ahead and not hold it in, because, let's face it, I would be cracking up if I saw someone do that. Ashley was bent over double laughing at me.
Anyway, I get reminded of that three days a week when I have to walk down those same stairs, sooooooo it will be very nice to not have to think about that so often

yayyy happy hourrrrr! <3

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shake what ya mama gave yaaaaa

I'm starting this for Rob, despite the fact that I haven't seen him in.... umm... 5 years? Love you, pookie, hope all is well!

Phoebe wants to snuggle tonight. any takers? 11:35pm
Alex at 1:18am December 2
I WIN! cuz ur in my bed!

.... haha. oops.
Alex wants to get back together. I told him I would think about it... that was a week and a half ago. He has since told me that he was serious when he said he wanted to get back together and that "this time is different."
We'll see. I love him, he's one of my best friends. When something funny happens he is the first person I text (usually), and I talk to him as mush as I talk to my roommates. He cheers me up when I'm down, and he knows right away if something is wrong. I love to stay up all night with him and talk shit about nothing and watch Family Guy and hold hands and cuddle. BUT, he has put me through so much shit that I don't know if I really want to give him another chance. I've given him a million and three chances already, and he took me completely for granted. On-and-off for more than a year, and finally when I grow a backbone and don't talk to him for more than a week (trust me, nottttt easy), he realizes that... surprise! He doesn't want to lose me.
Like I said, we'll see.

I spilled chocolate milk all over his bed one time. I was thinking about that because I actually spilled hot chocolate on my own bed about an hour and a half ago! I guess I am just destined to do that to people's beds. World, LOOK OUT!
I'm so clumsy sometimes. I drunkenly dropped an almost full bottle of Heineken on Alex's floor last Saturday... it shattered.
.... it was their last beer. Woopsssss! But then it was so cute- he wouldn't let me clean any of it up because of the broken glass... he loves me. :)

Petrie is so cute; she keeps dropping one of her toys at my feet for me to throw it! No, Rob, my cat is not pink any more. Well, she's kind of tinted pink now. I had a VERY pink pussy for a while! lolol. She thinks she's a dog... she plays fetch (I kid you not) and runs to the door every time someone comes home. Sometimes she barks.
She growled at a police officer this weekend when I was driving up from Miami and got pulled over for speeding. He goes, "What is this, a killer cat?" I was like, "No, sir, she's friendly, I swear!"
haha. Just like her mom! ... Except she didn't get arrested for battery on a LEO (yeah, that was an oops. This entry seems to be filled with those.) He didn't give me a ticket this time, though... not even a warning! My lucky day! Not only that, but I was on time for work when I thought I was gonna be late (hence me speeding. Oh wait, I do that anyway.) AND I got paid to put up Christmas decorations on Saturday! Pretty sweet. Except one of the lights on the tree was missing the glass part of the bulb and the wire was sticking out and I didn't see it... it shocked the shit out of my hand!

"They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
They just strut.
... What the fuck..."
--Fatboy Slim
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty much obsessed with some of his videos. You should probably check them out. Here, I'll start you out on them:

So, my calc teacher totally called me out on sleeping in class earlier. I wasn't really ASLEEP, it was one of those times where I was really tired and closed my eyes for only a couple minutes, but I was totally still awake! But, it's a small class and I sit in the front row. He tells me at least twice a week (out of a MWF class) that I should dye my entire head pink, instead of just the bottom half. I told him that I would definitely do it if he'll give me an A in the class.... he didn't fall for the bait :(
I would have done it too! Totally worth it. Anyway, I opened my eyes again and he asked me if I had a nice nap. lol woops. Whatever, today was optional because he's just reviewing for the final. I didn't even have to be there! A couple minutes later he said, "You look different right now." I was like... I'm not wearing any earrings? He goes, "Ohhhh, that's right, your eyes are open now!"
Ha. Ha. Ha.

Question: why do Twizzlers pull-n-peel taste so different from the regular Twizzlers? I like the original better. One would think that it would be made from the same ingredients, but I guess nottttt. Remember the Starburst flavored Twizzlers? Those were good. I've also had Starburst flavored candy canes... also good. Ooooo candy cane season has arrived! I shall purchase some.

I'm glad Britney made a come-back. I was rooting for her. I'm glad that the Bad Girls Club has just started a new season (last night! It's gonna be gooood). I'm glad that Charm School with the ROL girls exists. I'm glad that Gossip Girl is so ridiculously over the top. (umm Thanksgiving passed, why am I giving thanks for things?) I am NOT glad that I missed the last two episodes of Entourage! ... Alex recorded them, I'll watch them eventually. On his 72" HD tv. Nottttt badddddd! I love watching Planet Earth on that tv. Also, I've been dying to see that slow-motion show on discovery.

Ok, I just made it seem like I live in front of the TV... I really don't, please don't mistake me for someone who doesn't get off my ass ever. I don't even have a TV in my room! I had one last year, and I didn't like it, so my tv is sitting in a closet currently. I like to be active, but I do have my shows that I like to watch.

We had a volleyball game on monday, and we kicked ass!
Safe Sets: a lot
Dark Knights: a little.
Most of my team are girls who I played with in Miami. It makes me nostalgic for high school sports. I miss being on a REAL team. Safe Sets is nice.... but it's intramural so we don't have real practices. I miss having a coach boss me around and make me a better player, and I miss being in shape. Even though I HATE conditioning, at least I was wayyy in shape up until college! But I tore my ACL junior yr of high school at the end of soccer season, and I haven't really played soccer since then except for some pick-up games. Then I tore my other ACL fresh year of college playing volleyball. I have had surgery on both knees for that, which BLOWS. I'm constantly afraid that I'm going to re-tear my left ACL. Sometimes when I'm playing and I move a certain way I can feel that it's still kind of loose, and it scares the shit out of me. I was supposed to get a functional knee brace to play in more than a year ago, but I lost the prescription for that. So, uhh, here's hoping for the best?
I also have to wear an ankle brace now because I fucked up my ankle a couple months ago. How? Well, haha, it's a funny story: I thought it would be a good idea to go to a roller rink after happy hour one day. It WAS fun. I busted my ass a couple times and completely wiped out, then I sprained the shit out of my ankle, and then I was out of commission for a couple weeks. Couldn't do anything, could barely walk. Had to get a doctor's note to miss work. And it was extra horrible because my ass was sooooo bruised from falling on it a bunch of times that it hurt to sit! In retrospect, maybe I should have been a *little* more sober for that. I got out-skated by 7 year olds! Those fuckers are FAST! I guess I shouldn't pregame when I go ice skating. Dunno when that will be, but UCF has an ice rink set up this year, which is pretty cool, so I want to hit that up eventually. Maybe after finals.

Ok, well, I still have som Thanksgiving dinner left over.... Thanks mom! Love you! I am going to go eat that. Peace, Love, Fruitloops.