Friday, December 5, 2008

I want this cough to go away :(

My throat really hurts.... because I can't stop coughing. And my head kind of hurts too, for the same reason. This blows. I feel fine otherwise! But I've been freaking coughing nonstop for over a week now; I'm dyinggggggggg.

I was 25 minutes late for my first class today... oh well. I don't really care, I kind of didn't need to come today anyway. I swear, sometimes the only reason I even make it to class is because my cat acts like a second alarm clock. But, like, a really irritating alarm that I can't press snooze.

I'm wearing my skinnies with my pink/orange plaid Chuck T's.... pretty fly! Rocker-chic :)

Things written in the bathroom stall in Math & Physics building:
"Toy Story 2 was OK."
"Accio TP! =p"
.... lol at the fact that I realize that the last one is a Harry Potter reference.
Speakingggggg of HP, I am SO pissed that they moved the date for the 6th movie back all the way to JULY! What the hell! Stupid Twilight. Well, I still wanna see Twilight too, but I'm annoyed that it got precedence over Harry Potter. RUDE!

Ew. Finals coming up realllll fast.
Monday: calculus
Tuesday: genetics and organic chem
Wednesday: ecology

organic is a lost cause, and im starting to get really nervous for the other tests. I need an A in calc to get a B in the class, and I believe it's the same for genetics. Actually, I'm pretty sure I need an A in ecology too.... greeeeeeaaaattttt!

I think that I will go to happy hour today :)
I haven't been in probably a month and a half, because I work at 5 every Friday, but today I work at 6. Happy hour: 4-7. Which gives me at least an hour of $3 all-you-can-drink beer... gotta love those Library specials!

Lauren fixed her posture-chair... lololll

I can't wait to not have a class in the MAP building. Not that I really have anything against that building, but my class is on the first floor, which you have to go downstairs for.
Last year I was walking down those stairs with Ash and I wasn't looking and I completely missed the last step and face-planted on the brick floor. REALLY fucking funny.... imagine if someone was walking behind me and just pushed me in the back down the last couple steps and I just go down like a tree falling. That, uh, that's about how it looked. hahahahha super funnyyy
only one other person saw it, and he was trying not to laugh. I told him to go ahead and not hold it in, because, let's face it, I would be cracking up if I saw someone do that. Ashley was bent over double laughing at me.
Anyway, I get reminded of that three days a week when I have to walk down those same stairs, sooooooo it will be very nice to not have to think about that so often

yayyy happy hourrrrr! <3

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