Monday, December 8, 2008

who the fuck makes a printer that has two black ink cartridges, but it doesn't work when only ONE of them has run out?? grrrrr.

1 down, 3 finals to go.
I didn't get much studying done this weekend bc I was sick as a dog :(

... who came up with that phrase? it doesn't make sense at all!

w/e I feel a lot better now, but I am wayyy behind on getting shit done. I'll be up late again tonight

also, I can't buy new ink things because I haven't activated my credit card yet. I can't do that right now because I don't have the account number, and I can't get the account number until one of my parents gets home from work today. Sooooo, I will have to be sans genetics worksheets for the time being... I'll get by, no fears

Saturday night Allie was completely trashed... as usual. When I saw her, she was passed out naked on the bathroom floor, with her feet up on the tub. I had zero energy (like I said- super sick; I hardly made it up the stairs), plus she was still breathing, so I just left her there. When I checked on her half an hour later, she was passed out in the bath tub with the water running... very close to overflowing. I did NOT leave her there that time, I made her get out and go to bed.
She always does stupid shit like that, and I'm afraid that my roommate is going to die very young. There's no happy medium with her... it's either sober, or absolutely shitfaced. She needs to learn that you can be drunk without being blacked out retarded, but she's so irrational that you can't talk to her about anything! I've tried nicely talking to her and saying that I'll help her try to figure out whn it's a good idea to stop drinking and how to tell you've had enough, and she'll get really offended and turn it around and be a bitch.
She's really easily offended, and it's really annoying. Probably the most irrational and emotional person I've ever met. I mean, she's a coolass chick most of the time. 85% of the time she's awesome and I love her to death, but the other 15% she drives me up the wallllllll. If she says something and I don't say anything back because I'm either thinking of something to say that won't start shit or I just have nothing to say, she'll be like "oh, no response?" and take it as a bad thing.
ummm YEAH. It's either that or I tell you what I'm really thinking and then you'll realllyyyyy be upset. I don't like to lie about things [... ehh... I lie all the damn time about trivial things (e.g. yeah these peace sign earrings are totally vintage. my mom was a huge hippie). I think it's funny to convince people of stupid shit like that. I had a friend who thought I was half Cuban for over 2 years], but real things... I'm very very honest. So sometimes everyone benefits if I just keep my mouth shut.
So, sorry Allie if I don't think you're REALLY going to stay sober until your 21st birthday. That lasted less than a week. Oh, and sorry if I definitely don't believe that you aren't going to have sex again until you're married. That lasted- no literally- THREE days. She gets annoyed when she tries to make these plans for her life and nobody believes her. I'll believe it when I see it.

hrmmm I've been complaining a lot lately... It's been a tough couple weeks. I expect a bunch of funny stories to be happening soon, though; winter break starts in T-minues TWO DAYSSSSSS

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